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Hybrid Worship on Sunday, January 15, 2023: This Sunday we are led in worship by Craig Perry. Craig has led us several times over the course of Covid, so we are excited to welcome him in-person at last! To join the ZOOM Meeting on Sunday, CLICK HERE.
Office News: Rev. David will be away until the 23rd, taking some well-deserved vacation time after Christmas. Zoe is back in the office Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 am to 2 pm.
2023 Envelopes: To make donating easier, we once again are providing envelopes with your personalized envelope number. You can pick them up on Sunday from Dave S. in the Narthex or during Zoe's office hours in the office on Tuesday and Thursday. If you don't have an envelope number yet, give the office a quick email to let us know!
Doers' Meeting 2023: Trinity United Church Doers, come together to start 2023! Wed, Jan 18th @ 6:30 pm in the Church Hall. "Everything Chocolate" with Coffee, Teas, and dessert offerings! Possible interest group times with: Worship and Music, Christian Education, Property, United Church Women, Pastoral Care. This is our chance to grow and communicate as a church family. Collective wisdom is amazing!
Upcoming Worship Dates: Make sure you plan to attend worship Sunday, January 22nd when we will have a Town Hall meeting with the Development Steering Team after worship. The Team will be leading us in worship that day as well! And then a further Town Hall meeting with take place Sunday, February 26th after the worship time. Be sure to attend both as the first meeting will facilitate discussions or time to think about our options and the second meeting will be a time for the team to hear some responses.
Thrift News: This week's total is $1015.45! Stupendous. Way to go everyone at Thrift.
Get Yer Tickets Now: On the afternoon of Jan 29th at 2 pm, Choral Connections Choir will be presenting a concert at Trinity as a fundraiser for them and Trinity. It is to be called "United in Song" and you can buy tickets from Judy J or from the office.