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November 22, 2020
Reign of Christ
Congregational General and Financial Meeting

“Connection not Perfection”



Acknowledgement of Territory
We humbly acknowledge that even as we gather digitally, we gather and live and work on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish People, Trinity United Church rests on the unceded territory of the Kwikwitlem First Nations.

Prelude: “Worship and Work” CLICK HERE for video.

Call to Worship 
We are called to be the church.
We celebrate the joy of service, outreach, caring and worship.
Let us sing thanksgiving!
We have good news to share.
Praise God! We are blessed abundantly!*

*written by Laura Trunbull
Found in Gathering A/C/E 2020/21 Year B, p52
Used with permission

Gathering prayer 
Loving God, source of life,
source of true community,
you call us together.
You call us to faithfulness.
Be with us this morning
and bless us in our meeting.
Give us a willingness to listen
and the courage to speak,
a willingness to share our own needs
and a willingness to respond to the needs of others.
Give us a sense of the faith community that is ours,
and a vision of what this faith community
might become.
Alert us to the opportunities for service
this church presents
and our abilities to serve within it and within
the community.
Bless those who are taking leadership roles
at this time,
and those willing to take on
new leadership responsibility.
And amid our focus on the local church,
keep us mindful of
those who offer leadership and ministry
through Pacific Mountain Region.
Make us aware of the needs of the wider church
of which Mission and Service
is a constant reminder.
Bless us in our meeting that it may lead to greater
ministry for you. Amen.*

*written by David Sparks
Found in Gathering A/C/E 2017/18 Year B, p48
Used with permission

Hymn: “Make a Joyful Noise” VU 820
CLICK HERE for video.


Meeting Agenda: 2020 AGM

Prayers of Thanksgiving and intercession: 
Let us pray, saying,
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

O Lord, our God, we pray for the church…
As you have made Christ the head of all,
help us to live faithfully as his body,
continuing his mission in the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Lord, our God, we pray for the earth…
Let all the earth make a joyful noise to you,
a song of praise to the rock of our salvation,
for you are coming to reveal a new creation.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Lord, our God, we pray for all nations…
Drive out those wolves in sheep’s clothing
who abuse the weak and scatter the flock.
Come and save us; bring justice and peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Lord, our God, we pray for this community…
Help us to see Christ among our neighbours,
serving those who are hungry and thirsty,
naked and lonely, sick or in prison.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Lord, our God, we pray for loved ones…
Remember the people of your pasture:
rescue the lost, bind up the broken,
heal the sick, and feed those who hunger.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving Shepherd, lead and guide us –
In green pastures and by still waters,
in right paths and through dark valleys,
[assure us that ]we feast with you in glory
and dwell in your house forever;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.*
*Feasting on the Word liturgies for Year A vol 2, p258-9

The Disciples’ Prayer


Hymn: “Rejoice the Lord Is King” VU 213
CLICK HERE for video.

Commissioning and Benediction:
Filled with new understanding,
renewed by grace,
and supported in love,
may we go forth into the world
as messengers of reconciliation and compassion,
messengers who are blessed to be part
of Trinity United Church. Amen.*

*written by Susan Girard
Found in Gathering A/C/E 2020/21 Year B, p52
Used with permission



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  • we do ask that you continue to offer your financial support even though we are not meeting face to face, our ministry together continues.
  • at the top of this page you will see a "Donate Now" button. If you click on it, it will lead you to our donation page.