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Good News: Trinity United Church is hosting another week of Camp Spirit Day camp! July 29 - August 2, 2024.  This years theme: "GPS - Finding our way through Grace, Peace and Spirit".

Elyse and Holly are Trinity’s site Co-Directors. Peggy Horvath and Syd Sawyer are Trinity’s site Coordinators.  Registrations are starting to climb…so there is still time to spread the word to children between 6 and 11 to register as campers and encourage leaders in training, ages 12-14.  

Trinity congregation can be involved in a few ways…donating some of the requested arts and craft items, providing some of the food items requested for snacks, volunteering as a helper on outings, walks, and special community activity days!

Money donations are being encouraged to help the Camp Spirit bursary fund enabling any child access to the week-day camp.

Prayers for a successful camp, healthy leaders, and eager campers are asked for.

More info….just talk to Peggy Horvath or Syd Sawyer.