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Since the 1970s the United Church of Canada has called for a universal GLI that is non-discriminatory and accessible for people who face income insecurity. 

A reminder of the importance of these actions: poverty can happen quickly, to anyone. A guaranteed livable income (GLI) is a payment to individuals or families by government that covers the cost of basic necessities (food, shelter, clothing, transportation and community participation) and is not conditional on meeting employment criteria. It allows everyone to live with dignity and security, regardless of their work situation. Since the 1970s, the United Church of Canada has called for a universal GLI that is non-discriminatory and accessible, particularly for Indigenous peoples.

Some words from those with lived experience:

“I would not turn the heat on until December. In November I would be in my place with winter clothes on and shivering because I am trying to hold off the heating bills.”

“ I didn’t view it as just a handout. I still worked hard...but it was the cushion...I wasn’t stressing about his I am going to pay my bills the next month.”

“it was very much dignifying. I was trusted for once.”

Leading into the election in 2025, The PMR GLI group is revitalizing and organizing to support grass-roots advocacy actions in our communities. There is a National GLI meeting each month via zoom, and regional communications, efforts, and support. 

If you are looking for an initiative to animate within your own community, GLI lawn signs and bumper stickers are excellent awareness-raising tools. Information and pdf image files for these can be found on the PMR Justice GLI page. 

To learn more about the United Church's involvement and advocacy with GLI initiatives, visit the UCC National GLI page. For more information on broader anti-poverty initiatives, visit the UCC National Ending Poverty page

What can you do to inspire more contemplation, action and advocacy for anti-poverty initiatives in your community?

PMR Justice has developed a Lenten study including reflections on the gospel message of anti-poverty and how this links with Guaranteed Livable Income initiatives. Building on the 2025 UCC Lectionary, for Ash Wednesday, each Sunday in Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, there are excerpts from scripture, brief "good news" reflections and action & advocacy prompts to support your own Lenten journey, or the journey of the justice group in your community of faith. Written collaboratively by Rev. Barry K Morris and Rev. Dr. Kendra Mitchell-Foster, these reflections are rooted in the desire to increase capacity for GLI advocacy in the Pacific Mountain Region, to see this important initiative flourish in the work of the United Church and in our communities, so that all may live with dignity. 

You can download the PDF of the Lenten Reflections from the PMR Justice website here.

Please share this resource widely that we may increase our numbers and multiply our impact.



UBI Works, Universal Basic Income Works, is hosting a letter writing campaign to emphasize to the next Prime Minister of Canada how crucial a Universal Basic Income (or Guaranteed Livable Income) is to Canadians.

You can add your voice to their campaign below:

The next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada—and our next prime minister—will be chosen by as few as 400,000 Liberal members. Right now, leadership candidates are listening closely to Canadians as they compete for votes—both in this contest and in the next general election. No matter your political views, this is a rare chance to be heard by those who could soon lead the country.


We have an opportunity to ensure Basic Income is on their agenda. By joining our email campaign, you can send a direct message to the candidates, letting them know why Basic Income matters to you and to Canada’s future. Political change doesn’t happen overnight, but when enough voices come together at the right moment, we can shape the conversation. This is one of those moments.