Meridian Meats Fundraiser for UCW
The UCW is holding a special Farm Fresh Fundraiser from Nov 12 to Dec 7.
We are selling Meridian Meats gift cards with a 30% return to the UCW!
The gift cards never expire and 100 percent redeemable at all 8 Lower Mainland locations of Meridian Meats and Ralph's Farm Markets. Gift Cards are in denominations of $10, $25, $50, $75 or $100 so you can use them for Christmas Gifts or for Christmas grocery shopping. Please let your family, friends, and community members know that they are available for purchase. For order forms CLICK HERE to print your own at home.
Want to see what Meridian Meats has to offer? CLICK HERE to visit their website.
Please fill out the order forms and include with a cheque made out to Trinity United Church Women and mail to the church. Questions? Contact Peggy Horvath or Pat McCann.