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We stand alongside countless people and organizations to denounce the hateful and discriminatory violations of 2SLGBTQIA+ human rights that have been pronounced in the U.S. last week, and that continue to permeate on both sides of the border.

We send love and unwavering support to our 2SLGBTQIA+ siblings across Turtle Island; voices of hate and disinformation are not the loudest or the strongest.

We call on all Canadians to shore up our courage and show with our actions that we have zero tolerance for the abandonment of facts, dignity, and humanity, here and everywhere.

If you're looking for ways to express and strengthen your allyship, visit our resource page or our brand new info sheet to find your way to be part of the healing and strength that is needed.

We can and will find ways to create community and care for each other, now and always.

If you're in need support please contact someone - you're not alone.

  • Trans Lifeline (Canada-wide, operators are not always available, so if you don’t reach someone, please reach out to a different resource on this list): 877-330-6366

  • Canada Suicide Crisis Helpline (Call or text 988)

  • Hope for Wellness Help Line (24/7) for Indigenous peoples across Canada: 1-855-242-3310 or Chat Online

  • Mental Health Helpline (Alberta-wide): 1-877-303-2642

  • Brite Line (Edmonton): 1-844-702-7483

Remembering that we can and will make it through - together - is critical. Our resilience is our strength.

If you’re looking for ways to act, pick one or two bite-sized things that you can do today:

  1. Register for one of our events coming up on Feb 19th and Feb 27th, and invite two friends to join you

  2. Share this newsletter with three people

  3. Send an email to an Affirming Ministry near you, telling them that their commitment to 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion matters

  4. Find and follow the social media pages of five 2SLGBTQIA+ leaders or organizations in your area

  5. Share some of our “My Canada” images on your social media page

  6. Combat misinformation and check out two of our suggested news sites

  7. Call or text a 2SLGBTQIA+ identifying friend and ask how you can support them right now

  8. Watch two videos from this 10 Part Series on the disinformation campaigns surrounding trans youth

  9. Write a letter to the Alberta government to express your opposition to their anti-trans legislation (click here for letter templates with tips to make them effective and personalized)

  10. Stop purchasing from a company that has removed or reduced their DEI initiatives (e.g. Walmart, McDonald's, Amazon, Pepsi, Intel, Disney)