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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements

Hybrid Worship on Sunday, April 16, 2023 at 10:30 am: This Sunday we are led in worship by Robert Nicolson. It is the second Sunday of Easter, to join the ZOOM on Sunday, CLICK HERE. To read the order of service for Sunday, CLICK HERE.
Rev David is on study leave/holiday. He will return May 7. We wish him regenerative, relaxing recuperation and recreation!
Call for TRINITY TIMESThe Trinity Times will again be published in May, so get your recent news of note to Jo-Ann and Pat B now. Submission deadline is Sunday, April 30. CLICK HERE for more info.
Trinity Car Trunk Sale: On Sat, April 22, 2023 from 9 am to 2 pm! This will be the same day as the Port Coquitlam City-Wide Garage Sale so we should have LOTS of traffic. (The Thrift Shop will be open that day too!) $25.00 a stall and all the money for car stall rental will go towards a Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Fund. Talk to a member of the Doers steering team for more details or CLICK HERE  Joy Galea 604-942-7557, Syd Sawyer 604-941-4565, Irene MacIver 604-474-4173.   
Email Scam/Phishing Alert: There is another email scam going around that impersonates Rev David. The email asks people to respond and will eventually ask you to buy gift cards for some reason or other. They use convincing emails and names (pulled from our website!). Rev David Cathcart will never ask for secrecy or help in this manner. Never respond to these emails, just flag them as SPAM and delete them. Call our church office if you have concerns. Please be wary!
DIRECTORY 2023: Pastoral Care will be updating and releasing a brand new Church Directory in May. This is the last Sunday to check, so please take a moment to let the office know of a new address or phone number. For those attending in-person, directory pages will be available to check over and amend as necessary. Take a moment to give it a glance! 
UCC News:  In her Easter message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne invites us to set our minds to that radical hope that is the Easter promise. In that hope, what can we imagine together? CLICK HERE to watch the video message.
One Day's Pay: This Lenten challenge is over for another year. Thanks to all who faithfully participated. If you have donation envelopes yet to be brought in, please do so soon. You can drop them to the office, in the secure mailbox in the east door, or to the collection plate on Sunday.
Worship + Music News: 
Ross Dunning has stepped down as one of our sound operators. He has helped us out with sound and tech generally for many years for which we thank him. This leaves us with an urgent need for new Sound people. Please if you or anyone you know is interested please see me, Judi Carroll, or Dave Squires. We now have only 2 people for sound and in the long run this is not sustainable.
Rev David will be away April 16, 23, and 30. We have been lucky, due to Harvey Loucks efforts, to be able to fill the position of Worship Leader for those Sundays. Thanks to all.
You will be hearing the organ being played a little more often in the future. So we hope you enjoy it.
If you have any questions or concerns about Worship at Trinity please contact any of the team; Rev. David, Beth Anderson, Harvey Loucks, Brian Wheatley, David Rogers or myself Judi Carroll.
Blessings and Happy Easter.
Coronation Tea: St Catherine's ACW invites you to a Coronation Tea Sat, May 6 from 1 - 3 pm at St Laurence Anglican (825 St Laurence St, Coq.) $10 ticket, contact Ann Blue 604-942-9962 or Chris Longley 604-942-7918 for more info.
Pacific Mountain UCW: Gathering and Annual General Meeting, Fri, April 21 to Sat, Apr 22 at Squamish United Church, 38014 Fourth Ave, Squamish. Theme: "Don't Worry, Be Happy!"
Thrift Number this week: A restrained total of $460.80. Every bit counts!
Trinity + WorshipMissed the In-Person Sunday Gathering? Here is the Sunday service, CLICK HERE, streamed on our YouTube Channel on April 9. And CLICK HERE for the PDF (written) version of the service.
Loss and Grief Workshop: At Eagle Ridge United Church, Saturday, May 13, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Led by Kevin Hegseth, contact the ERUC church office to register,