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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements

Hybrid Worship on Sunday, July 2, 2023 at 10:30 am: This Sunday we are led in worship by Rev David. To join the ZOOM on Sunday, CLICK HERE. To read the order of service for Sunday, CLICK HERE.
Friday Announcements: This will be the last Friday Announcements until the Fall. Keep in touch with the office by email or phone. Messages will be checked Tuesdays and Thursdays, and there will be a volunteer on the desk those days from 10 am to Noon as well!
TUC Coffee Time: The Wednesday morning zoom chat is on hiatus for the summer. A Wednesday morning in-person weekly meet-up is being coordinated. Further details will be announced on Sundays.
A date for your calendar: Sat, September 16, 2023 for Trinity’s third Car Trunk Sale. More details for this fun day will be available in August.
Trinity's Lawn: Trinity’s front lawn looks a little… different this summer. Maybe not what you would expect? CLICK HERE to read more.
Thrift Sales: Another great total at Thrift, $633.25!
Office News: It's summer time again and that means Zoë will be off with her family starting July 3. Jo-Ann D. has gallantly stepped forward to create our slideshows, and a crack team of resourceful women including Peggy H, Wendy S., Judi M, Karen P, and Jo-Ann D. will be covering the desk on Tuesdays and Thursday over July and August. The office will return to full strength August 29.
Flourishing: The Moderator's Project: The Right Rev Carmne Landsdowne, the Moderator, is on a three-year journey to connect with the nation on big questions. With the goal of enhancing “flourishing” in church, among our leadership, and within the broader community, she is encouraging dialogue on this question of flourishing, and how it could influence our future. CLICK HERE to read more.
June is National Indigenous History Month: a time to commemorate and honour the history, contributions, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples in Canada. The summer solstice, celebrated by many Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island for millennia, is recognized as National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada (June 21, 2023). For more on Indigenous justice, culture, and reconciliation news, consider subscribing to the Living into Right Relations e-newsletter CLICK HERE or follow Indigenous Ministries on Facebook, CLICK HERE.
Labyrinth Walks at Inlet United Church: First Thursday of the month at The Springs. Come for a calming, contemplative walk along the indoor labyrinth pathway at Inlet United Church at The Springs. This practice is open to all members of the community who seek peace, and a time for silent, moving meditation. CLICK HERE for more info.
UCRD bookstore summer sale!: Summer has begun and we're ready for the season with a new tote bag featuring our Call and Vision ready to be loaded up with new books that have just arrived at the bookstore, or travel light with our collection of e-books that you can download and store on your favourite e-reader! CLICK HERE.