Worship on Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 10:30 am: Sunday's service
will be led by the Affirming Team, particularly Justine Parco and Debra
Peterson. CLICK HERE for the order of service. We have our YouTube
livestream available, CLICK HERE to access it. Once you are on the
page, at the time of worship, click on the video that says "live now"
and you will see the service.
Muffin Sunday: This Sunday is Muffin Sunday so please come and
support the UCW after service in the Hall. Fresh baked muffins for
$1.00 each. Buy one to have with your coffee and/or buy more to take
home to enjoy later. We often sell out so come promptly and don’t
miss out. Thank you.
Games Night at Trinity: Tomorrow night! TUMS annual Games Night
will take place Saturday, March 15 from 7 to 9 pm. Still a bargain for
a great social evening playing "Sequence" for just $5.00! Bring your
family, friends, and neighbours too and make a night of it.
DOERS Meetings: There will be another grand Doer's Meeting at 6:30
pm this Monday, March 17th - St Paddy's Day! So wear some green
(and we'll make some plans to find the church some gold.) Everyone is
welcome to come have a fine "craic" and be a part of what we are up
to as a Church.
Thrift News: $477.40! This time we're going to straight up blame it on
the rain.
Lenten Meditation 2025: Is the chaos getting to you? Feeling
overwhelmed by what's happening in the world? Sleeping poorly with
anxiety about current affairs? Join us through Lent for a 20-minute
meditation Tuesdays and Thursdays from Noon to 1 pm. Regulating
our emotions, maintaining our sense of connection to the sacred, and
making space for miracles is our best response. We will meet at noon
in the sanctuary, eat our bag lunches as we visit, then sit for 20
minutes in silence. Drop in!
Trinity Trunk Sale: It’s time to start thinking Spring Clean up! Saturday,
June 14, 2025 from 9 am – 1 pm (same day as Poco City-wide Garage
sale) Trinity Parking Lot, book your spot: $30. Sign up sheet on bulletin
outside kitchen. More info to come! Judi Carroll, Wendy Squires, Syd