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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements

Worship on Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 10:30 am: Sunday's service will be led by Rev David, we welcome him back after his well-deserved time away. This week we finish our celebration of the Easter season. CLICK HERE for the order of service. We will have our YouTube livestream available. CLICK HERE to access it.
Doer's Meeting: This Monday, May 13 at 6:30 pm. Come by the church to connect with what's up at Trinity. 
Annual Reports: Yes, it is that time of year again. If you are responsible for a report for our Annual Report, please make plans to have it in to the office no later than Monday, May 13. (Email Zoë if you'd like a copy of last year's report to work from.)
In related news: Save the Date! Sunday, June 9th will be Trinity's Annual Congregational Meeting.
Trinity + Worship: For a video of the most recent Sunday service, CLICK HERE. Streamed on our YouTube Channel on May 5.
An Invitation from Worship & Music…: Please join us…..Date:  June 2, 2024. Time: 10:30 am.  Location: Trinity Sanctuary. Worship and Music has decided to link up via YouTube with the Pacific Mtn Regional Council (PMRC) annual worship service on June 2nd being held at St. Andrews-Wesley Church in downtown Vancouver.  The service will be shown in Trinity’s sanctuary at 10:30 am on the big screen.  This worship service includes the ordination of new ministers and communion and may take up to two (2) hours. We will be serving communion LIVE at Trinity at the same time it is occurring at St. Andrews-Wesley. We encourage all members of our congregation to attend LIVE and IN PERSON. But we do ask that you stay for the entire service.  If you cannot stay for the entire service but do want to join in for a portion, you can do that from home by clicking onto the PMRC YouTube link (which we will send out that week via Friday's Announcements).
Thrift News: We built this city on rock and roll...  $820.80!! 
Tuesdays @ 2211: The Tuesdays @ 2211 Study group is back in session. We meet from 6 - 8 pm starting with a simple potluck. All are welcome!
May is Asian Heritage Month: The United Church of Canada celebrates the long, rich, and continuing contribution of Asian heritage, which has been a significant part of United Church life since Church Union in 1925 and even longer. CLICK HERE to read more.
Sacred Walks at The Springs: Starting in May. Inlet United Church is trying something new - We will be offering our Morning Coffee Drop in (10:30am to Noon) and Evening Healing Pathway sessions (Book in advance: 6:30pm and 7:15pm) with our Monthly Labyrinth Walks which take place the first Thursday of each month. Everyone Welcome!

Kapa'a Sister Church News for May: CLICK HERE

Broadview Article: Reflections on love, loss and motherhood. My mom taught me many life lessons, but most importantly, she taught me how to be kind. CLICK HERE to read.

Book Recommendation: From Rev. Teri Meyer, Acting Indigenous Minister, Pacific Mountain Regional Council. Anishinaabe writer, Patty Krawec, author of the book: Becoming Kin: An Indigenous Call to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining Our Future (Broadleaf Books, 2022), will be speaking to the PMRC AGM attendees at various times in the meetings agenda between May 31 - June 1. PMRC - Indigenous Ministries encourages you to find yourself a copy of this wonderful book in preparation for the meeting, if you are so inclined. The book’s back cover reads: “A remarkable primer on settler colonialism…”  Naomi Klein adds her take on the book by writing: “An invitation and a challenge to become better relatives to one another at this critical moment in human and planetary history. Generous and wise, Becoming Kin is a rare book designed to be put into immediate and practical use.”