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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements

Worship on Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 10:30 am: Sunday's service will be led by Rev David, as we celebrate Trinity Sunday and the beginning of the season of Pentecost. CLICK HERE for the order of service. We will have our YouTube livestream available. CLICK HERE to access it.
Calling all Trinity folk:
You are cordially invited and definitely encouraged to attend
                             Trinity United Church’s 
                              Annual General Meeting
                        on Sunday, June 9 at 10:30 am
                           during the Worship Service
          followed immediately by a Congregational photo
            followed almost immediately by a lovely lunch!
Trinity + Worship: For a video of the most recent Sunday service, CLICK HERE. Streamed on our YouTube Channel on May 19.
UCW News: UCW meets every 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 pm in the Narthex/Library. UCW will continue to meet as a single group each month. The Sunday Muffin Sale will continue on the 3rd Sunday of most months - not June. We look forward to new ways to be together. Joan Leston, retiring President, and Elaine Stead, retiring Social Convener, were honoured with a cake and heartfelt appreciation for their long and faithful service.
Hall Floor: We thank Progressive Housing for the lovely state of the Hall floors. We had the same diligent gentleman who did them last year, and they are renewed and refreshed for another year. Thanks to Harvey for moving all the tables and chairs!!
An Invitation from Worship & Music…: This is next weekend!…..Date:  June 2, 2024. Time: 10:30 am.  Location: Trinity Sanctuary. Worship and Music has decided to link up via YouTube with the Pacific Mtn Regional Council (PMRC) annual worship service on June 2nd being held at St. Andrews-Wesley Church in downtown Vancouver.  The service will be shown in Trinity’s sanctuary at 10:30 am on the big screen.  This worship service includes the ordination of new ministers and communion and may take up to two (2) hours. We will be serving communion LIVE at Trinity at the same time it is occurring at St. Andrews-Wesley. We encourage all members of our congregation to attend LIVE and IN PERSON. But we do ask that you stay for the entire service.  If you cannot stay for the entire service but do want to join in for a portion, you can do that from home by clicking onto the PMRC YouTube link (which we will send out that week via Friday's Announcements).
Thrift News: Once I had a love and it was a gas/ Soon turned out had a heart of glass...  $994.35!! 
Tuesdays @ 2211: The Tuesdays @ 2211 Study group is back in session. We meet from 6 - 8 pm starting with a simple potluck. All are welcome!

FIRST UNITED News: All donations made from now until midnight on Monday May 27th will be matched up to $30,000! Our goal for this year’s tournament is to raise $175,000 to support FIRST UNITED’s frontline and advocacy work in the Downtown Eastside. Every dollar you give will be matched, doubling your impact in the DTES. You can make a donation here: