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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements

Hybrid Worship on Sunday, Oct 1, 2023 at 10:30 am: This Sunday we are led in worship by Rev David. We begin our Growing Generosity campaign, celebrating all we do as a church for each other and the community. To join the ZOOM on Sunday, CLICK HERE. To read the order of service for Sunday, CLICK HERE.
UCW Meeting: This Tuesday, Oct 10 at 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall. 
Doers Notes: Thank you to all who participated in the Doers Meeting Sept 25. Much was accomplished, discussed and decided on. To see details…CLICK HERE. Questions can be directed to Peggy Horvath or Syd Sawyer.
Call for TRINITY TIMES: The Trinity Times will again be published in October, so get your recent news of note to Jo-Ann and Pat B now. Submission deadline is tomorrow, Sept 30. CLICK HERE for more info.
Property: This Sunday your Property Committee would like to invite all members of the congregation who have ‘mouse intel’ info to join us at 11:45 am after this Sunday service for a walk about around the church to identify known spots of concern. Let’s combine our knowledge to help tackle this issue. We look forward to seeing you. Sherie Bohorquez.
Development Steering Team: We have so much news, we've put it on a separate sheet! Check your email newsletter to read all that's happening...
Thrift Sales: The wheels keep turning, all pistons firing...the Thrift keeps chuffing along with a steamy total of $646.75! Toot toot!
Thanksgiving Sunday: Nina Parco will be selling chocolate mint girl guide cookies for $6 a box after service in October 8. Or you can contact Justine for a box. 
Fraser Valley UCW: Trinity Women are invited! Fraser area UCW is hosting a Fall rally at Carmen United in Chilliwack on Wed, Oct 18 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Bring a bag lunch - we will arrange to carpool from Trinity. Please contact Joan Leston or Joy Galea if you plan to attend.
First United News: Tomorrow is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and we invite you to join us in both reflection and action for reconciliation. As part of our journey, we’ve compiled a list of books to read, events to attend and organizations and businesses that you can support tomorrow and year-round. CLICK HERE.
Labyrinth Walks at Inlet United Church: First Thursday of the month at The Springs. Come for a calming, contemplative walk along the indoor labyrinth pathway at Inlet United Church at The Springs. This practice is open to all members of the community who seek peace, and a time for silent, moving meditation. CLICK HERE for more info.
UCC Moderator Carmen Lansdowne: To commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we can reflect, pray, learn, and honour survivors, their families, and the communities affected by Indian Residential Schools and those who operated them. For non-Indigenous Christians in particular, this is a time to reflect on their role in colonialism and the ongoing responsibility to make reparations. CLICK HERE for her video.
UCC Mission Stories Oct 1: CLICK HERE for this Sunday's story.