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HYBRID Worship on Sunday, Feb 4, 2024 at 10:30 am: This Sunday we are led in worship by Rev David. We will be using our new system installed by ProMAX, we appreciate your patience as we navigate new skill sets. To read the order of service for this Sunday, CLICK HERE.   We will have our YouTube livestream available. CLICK HERE to access it.

Trinity + Worship: For a video of the most recent Sunday service, CLICK HERE. Streamed on our YouTube Channel on Jan 28.
SHARE Food Bank News: Please donate what you can and spread the word in our community. Food and cash donations should be directed to 2615 Clarke St in Port Moody, and you can also give money online:  CLICK HERE.

Housekeeping Reminder: Please be thorough when leaving the building and setting the alarm. Check doors are closed and everyone is out. Thank you.
We've Got Issues - Interview with Rev. David Cathcart: Here is the wonderful interview Rev David did with Nancy Furness just before Christmas about our plans for redevelopment. CLICK HERE to watch. 
Thanks to Choral Connections: For their wonderful fundraiser and performance, United in Song. The UCW raised $312.00 from the Tea and Cookie for a Toonie! The monies will go to Tri-Cities Transition to help complete their outdoor playgrounds. 

Trinity Times New Edition: Trinity Times is starting to work on the next edition which we hope to send out by the beginning of March. All submissions need to be in by Feb 11th. These can forwarded to Pat Bradley or Jo-Ann Dahms through the office email ( or contact Pat or Jo-Ann.

Thrift News: Plugging along! $885.05 is extremely respectable. And we received some Valentine's stuff that SHARE could not make use of....come check it out!
Coldest Night 2024: Mark your calendars! This year's Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) is happening on Saturday, February 24 and we'd love for you to join us! It'll be our eighth year hosting CNOY in the Downtown Eastside. CLICK HERE to find out how to participate.
In Releated News: Phrydai Wolkers will be raising funds for Coldest Night of the year! Plan to join us on Friday, February 23, 10 am for a walk, chat, and hot beverage. (note: this is the day prior to the official CNOY walk). Keep tuned for more details...