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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements

Hybrid Worship on Sunday, February 5, 2023: This Sunday we are led in worship by Rev David. It is Hymn Sing this Sunday, so come early with your hymn choices! To join the ZOOM Meeting on Sunday, CLICK HERE.
Upcoming Worship Dates: Make sure you plan to attend the second Town Hall meeting with Development Steering - Sunday, February 26th after the worship time. Be sure to attend, as this second meeting will be a time for the team to hear some responses. CLICK HERE to read the PDF version of their PowerPoint from last Sunday. 
Sunday, Feb 12 Celebration: The Alali/Sata family have obtained their Canadian citizenship papers! Let's celebrate this together after church on Sunday, Feb 12th with coffee and cake!
TriCities Winter Shelter: Winter Shelter will be at Trinity nightly for the month of February. We welcome back their ministry!
Games Night March 18: Back again, the annual TUMS Games Night, Sat, March 18.  Bring your friends for a night of fun playing the 'Sequence' board game. 
Monday Morning Study & Prayer Group: is again meeting in person on Mondays at 9:30 am, in the Church library. We have just started a new book, "Building God's Beloved Community - Discipleship in the United Church of Canada". For more information contact: Maxine Fairclough (604-464-6362)
United Senior's Housing Society (USHS): The 2023 Annual General Meeting of United Seniors Housing Society (“USHS”) will be held in person and virtually on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 9:30 AM.  If you would like to attend the AGM either in person or on Zoom, please RSVP Jo-Ann Dahms (  CLICK HERE to find out more.